Bradley Schellenberg

President & Chief Engineer


Bradley Schellenberg holds the esteemed position of President & CEO at SFU Rocketry, concurrently serving as its Chief Engineer. He initially joined SFU Rocketry as a control-system electronics designer, contributing his expertise to a small, 12-student team dedicated to rocket engine creation. Leveraging his experience in team management, Bradley successfully led SFU Rocketry's growth, transforming it into the largest comprehensive design team at Simon Fraser University. Under his leadership, the organization now thrives with a diverse membership of 115 individuals, engaged in over a dozen multi-disciplinary engineering projects. All members are united in their collective pursuit of aerospace advancement and the acquisition of practical experience, beyond the scope of traditional academic settings.

Bradley possesses a diverse background encompassing a broad range of disciplines and experiences in both technical and non-technical fields. As a Hardware & Electronics Engineer experienced in PCB design, radio frequency hardware, and aerospace technology, Bradley holds a comprehensive and well-trained engineering skill set. Most-recently, he has been researching novel ultra-high-precision positioning technologies for life-saving applications.

Project Contribution

History at SFU Rocketry

Bradley joined SFU Rocketry in 2021 as a controls team hardware designer, where he designed the first generation LRE Control System PCBs used to fire the Gen-I and Gen-II Liquid Rocket Engines. After this project completion, he was appointed as the Controls Team Lead, taking ownership of the LRE Control System and the team advancing it. Over the course of 2021 and 2022, Bradley used his experience in team management to scale SFU Rocketry from a small 12-member group to over 115 active members, introducing over ten new projects that would run concurrently. This rapid growth enabled SFU Rocketry to develop in-house tools and subsystems quickly, which was previously unheard of from design teams at SFU. Now, SFU Rocketry is Simon Fraser University’s largest comprehensive design team in history.

After the period of team growth, Bradley was appointed as the Director of Hardware Engineering. As Director of Hardware Engineering he personally defined all objectives and outcomes for the hardware team, managing 8 simultaneous projects and supervising 40 hardware team members. During this period he started the first High Altitude Payload Project, the Cryogenic Systems Module, the Power and Battery Systems team, and the Guided Payload Recovery team. Bradley oversaw, reviewed, and signed off on the creation of all hardware projects and products across multiple simultaneous electronics projects, using his experience in electronics and product design to teach new cohorts about all aspects of the hardware design cycle, from architectural ideation to end-point integration. As projects progressed and became more financially demanding, Bradley took on a large portion of executive responsibility and was shortly after appointed as the President & Chief Engineer of SFU Rocketry.

As President & Chief Engineer, Bradley has shown extensive commitment to operational excellence, strategic planning, external relations, revenue sourcing, and financial management. Bradley steers high-impact initiatives, from conceptualization through execution, ensuring alignment with SFU Rocketry’s organizational mission and values. He cultivates partnerships with industry leaders and academic stakeholders, creating avenues for knowledge exchange and securing resources to ensure project successes. Bradley initiates mentorship programs and educational initiatives, equipping future engineers with the hands-on experience that is absent in academia, and a passion for aerospace exploration. He is proud to focus on lowering the barrier-to-entry for students into the expensive field of aerospace engineering. Bradley leads fundraising efforts and investment strategies, he secures essential resources, capital, and industry connections vital for project advancement. He navigates budget complexities, ensuring effective financial management and maximizing the impact of every dollar. These extensive efforts allow SFU Rocketry’s teams to focus on creating the innovation and excellence that matters most. Bradley has been responsible for communicating proposals and project plans with directors and stakeholders at Simon Fraser University to undertake complex and high-risk projects that were previously unattainable.